Key Features

Harness the power of technology and medical expertise from around the world to deliver individual specific care. Balanced mix of automation combined with timely human intervention.

Preemptive and proactive approach to health and wellness. Dynamic and adaptive to aging human body.

Keeping you Healthy

Current News

Release 2.0 with advanced features of diabetes management is due in second quarter of 2015

Diabetes Support

State-of-the-art comprehensive diabetes management program. Computer generated individual specific & preferred weekly diet plan delivered before the start of the week along with list of items. Real time follow ups for the implementation of diet plan during the week. Nutrient and Glycemic analytic offering detailed information on weekly, daily glycemic load and nutrient consumption derived from weekly diet plan. Hourly glycemic load vs real blood glucose level detail and analysis. Diabetes and individual specific information delivered every week. On Demand personal care.

Blood Glucose Management

Blood glucose records from most meters are accepted to produce historical records and are used to derive better future diabetes guidance.

Health Management

Comprehensive and integrated general health management program . Monitoring of key physical characteristics. Weekly reporting on body measurement ratios and related guidance. Monitoring of key body vital parameters. Individual specific weekly guidance for wellness. On demand health condition specific medical expertise for consultations. All services are designed to improve and enhance quality of life. Cost effective dedicated support for health conditions to alleviate aggravation and mitigate stress.

Education and Awareness

Raising awareness about potential health risks for an individual is integral part of system services. Individual specific education is another important aspect of services. Nature of awareness, education and care are individual focused rather than general. Dissemination of latest medical news pertinent to particular health condition of an individual.

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